Trust. Empty Spaces.
How can you Trust God with the empty spaces in your life? How can you be content with what you do not yet see or comprehend? It is too vast or challenging to trust in an All-Mighty God with your heart? Well, if I’m honest. It’s a struggle …
It’s hard to be at peace with the unknown. With dreams and visions, He gives yet to look outward and see the opposite. Is it in these times He says, “time to walk by faith and not by sight?” To lean into His stillness firm voice to continue on. Continue on hoping, praying, believing, waiting for that sigh of relief of promise. Especially hard during the Holidays when you are embarking on an unknown journey. I’ve learned every journey with Jesus has a new challenge. A challenge you’ve never been on before. When you think you’ve got it down packed, He laughs. With God we never stop unfolding. He stretches us to places they haven’t been stretched before. He gives us different depths we haven’t dived into before. The depths of trust unparallel. What I’m embarking on this holiday season is a sense of honoring and heart break. To honor The Creators Time, Will and Way and laying the heart down. To trust God with the empty spaces is to be vulnerable. To embrace. To embrace reality on one hand and embrace sovereignty on the other. To search your heart. To allow your heart to break even though it hurts. Are you willing to do what He says or take hold of it with your hands. Can you honor people’s actions yet feel your heart break in the middle of it? When you don’t understand. He understands.
Whatever God allows in these empty spaces He holds you. When you don’t see what He promised you cling to the not yet. You hope in the not yet. You go to Him with the not yet. Let there be a blossoming of your faith that will give birth to a beautiful aroma. A blossoming rose that could never have been. Do you trust Him? Do I trust Him?
He loves us more than we can imagine. If we can just trust in His love, would it be enough to walk away when it’s not yet time. Can you say it’s, okay? If you’re going through this during this joyful holiday season need, I remind you like myself. He loves you and because He loves you His best in all aspects of life takes time. His time. Put your faith in the One who knows all. Trust the empty spaces. He will hold your heart. Jesus is the great rescuer of the soul. He knows yours fully well.
As I close on this piece. Don’t allow what you may see in your outer world dim the knowledge of God that he has shown you. Do not allow your light to be dimmed but if it has been dimmed then allow the Light Giver to brighten it again. Keep going to Jesus for He strengthens our hearts piece by piece. Corner by corner. Space by space and all the vessels in between. As we take His hand once again as the Good shepherd, He will lead us to the still waters and peaceful meadows (Psalm 23) and show us why. He always shows us why, if we allow Him too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years beloved.
A resounding yes! I do trust Him.
Your sister in Christ