Lights ~ Camera~ Delight

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus”

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I love how God makes things simple.  I believe He is a simple kind of guy. Which makes me love Him more.  I like simple. Being from Texas most of us are. No complications no stress even Jesus says that “His yoke is easy and His burden is light.”  I believe that that there are many equations in the Bible if we just follow them.  I’ve been reading Proverbs lately it’s called the book of Wisdom for a reason.  “Those who listen to instruction will prosper those who trust The Lord will be joyful” Proverbs 16:20. For those who are Accountants, in Mathematics and Physics. You love solving problems and God bless you for all that you do. I never was the type who got my thrill of numbers rolling around in my head to find the solution. But if I can make my way prosperous as little as 1 + 1 =2 but applying Biblical principles I’m all for that.  Let’s build this scenario “Welcome students! Class is in session”!

Take a look at the equation above (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) what is the solution to the equation? All of the human population has struggled to answer the question. Why am I here? Now, I’ve been alive long enough that there isn’t just one 1 purpose for us on this beautiful planet. It’s actually several. But one of them according to 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 is have joy always through any situation, to pray through it and to be thankful. This is as easy as 1,2,3.  However, the highs and lows in life may not feel this easy. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying. I have to ask The Holy Spirit for help.  I know I should and I pray He helps me.  Sometimes I don’t feel like reading my Bible. I have to ask myself how’s your heart Ashley? Why are you doing this? I ask for Wisdom. It comes. Our flesh always gets in between anything good and holy. Our “feels” must be put into check.  We’re not always going to rejoice or choose to rejoice or to pray on a regular basis or be thankful when we are in a valley.  But if we do will experience God’s will for our lives and the rewards of being faithful to Him in our lives. Here’s to prospering.

In Jesus name

Love Ashley

God Bless you