Lights ~ Camera~ Delight

It is inevitable in this life we will have a broken heart. Not just once but multiple times.  The Christian walk is not absent from suffering, hurt or pain. We walk out this life with the same hits, but the difference is who we do this life with and if we are wise through the lows of life we would allow The Comforter to carry us.  There has been a pattern that has been going on with those closest around me including myself of God’s protection.  You might say that’s a good thing.  It is. But sometimes God’s protection can result with a broken heart. To guard His precious daughters from what’s not best for them and what’s not ready for them.  I have learned that God is overly protective over His children. Sons and daughters. Specifically, His daughters. My earthly father was just like that.  He would put more restrictions and precautions on me when I was younger.  Not because He didn’t trust me but He knew that boys will be boys and there could be possible danger. He wouldn’t let his baby girl go through this world without any form of safety.  The Lord knows who and what will be good and not good for us.  He also knows that people sometimes stray away from Him. For many reasons this does happen in the Body of Christ.  So, when someone you thought was a good thing and everything was going along and then there was a shift or things start coming out of a person that wasn’t there before. Maybe it isn’t always the devil trying to ruin that “good” thing but its God’s loving hand saying, “I have better”.  We see it in The Bible that sometimes God has to raise up another. For example, Saul and David. Prophet Elijah and Prophet Elisha.  Moses and Aaron.  These accounts in The Bible represents God choosing a person but that person choosing their own free will.  Pride and fear can lead one to go about this.  Then The Lord has to raise up another to continue what He has planned. His will. I’ve learned He also does this with our scared hearts. He did it back then. He still does it know.  I know what has happened in my personal life it wasn’t God’s fault matter of fact He gives beauty for ashes as in the book of Isaiah promises.  I believe He will.  He is faithful and He is faithful to be close to you when a season hurt comes.  He promises “He is close to the brokenhearted” Psalm 34:18. Also, He promises that He will do a new thing Isaiah 43:18-19.  Will you trust Him for the new thing? Will trust that He is closer to you than you ever know? That is too shall pass. It is just a season and better is on the horizon. Will you trust Him with this? I will.  I leave you with this.

“Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning”

Psalm 30:5

All my love
