Lights ~ Camera~ Delight

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool”. Isaiah 1:18 NIV

I’ve never been in snow before. Never actually made a snowman or made an snow angel. I’ve always had a desire to create such things and be in that environment but living and growing up in Southern Texas we didn’t have the luxury of snow. It would be freezing and ice everywhere but snow, it would be a miracle for it to snow there. So my Christmas winter wonderland as a little kid was always a fantasy of mine. But our God is a God of mighty wonders, powerful acts and the master chef of creating miracles. How wonderful is He who loves us. Who in the above passage takes first act and hand to solve the issue of man’s past, failures, regrets, and sins. Before time began God had already settled the matter. He knows everything and all He wants us to do is come. Come to Him” all who are weary with heavy burdens and I will give you rest”(Matt 11:28). Oh and rest that He gives. There’s nothing like the rest Jesus gives. No one or no thing can match God’s love and mercy. How He makes our sin white as snow. How He makes us radiant like the dawn. How He makes us beautiful like a newly sprung white rose vibrating of righteousness. His righteousness. How caring and beautiful is He. I never got my white Christmas as a little kid but God did do a miracle. Just abut two winters ago The Lord made it snow in my hometown and I missed it because I’ve been now living the Southern California. When my family sent me videos of this miracle my heart soared with excitement. In shock that is was actually snowing! So magical. So wonderful. Even though I wasn’t there I knew by God doing this it put thousands of people joy in their hearts, souls, smiles as big as Texas on their faces and faith that with God nothing shall be impossible. The greatest gift of all is His Son. Jesus. Who gave me, you and all of mankind a hope and a future(Jeremiah 29:11). As we go into this new holiday season let us remind ourselves where does our hope come from. Who our hope is. Who holds the future. He has already settled everything let us come to Him today and everyday. In Jesus name. Amen.

Love Always

Ashley xo